Market Opportunity: Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the U.S. In 2018, there will be an estimated 1.7M new cancer cases diagnosed and 609K cancer deaths in the U.S.* The lifetime probability of all males and females developing cancer is 1 in 3 in the U.S.* The national cost of cancer care was estimated to be $124B in 2010, and if costs in the initial and final phases of care increase as projected by 2% annually, the total cost of care in 2020 will be $173B, an increase of 39% from 2010.** The global cancer diagnostics market was valued at $7.1B in 2015 and is projected to reach $13.1B by the year 2020, increasing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.9% during this period.***
Technology: 20/20 GeneSystems has developed OneTEST – a new multi cancer blood test. This test includes identifying the following types of cancers: lung, liver, stomach/gastric, pancreas, colon, cervical/ovarian and prostate. This test was developed based on real-world evidence results published in 2015 from screening 42,000 people over 12 years at a major hospital health screening program in Asia. Their algorithm has detected 2x more cancers in males and 4x more cancer in females over the conventional approach (individual tumor biomarkers, no algorithm).
OneTEST biomarkers are tested in over 100M healthy individuals each year at thousands of health check centers worldwide (Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan). They use the same in-vitro diagnostic test kits and analyzers used in thousands of clinical testing laboratories worldwide. Further, they follow rigorous compliance with CLIA requirements.
The company has 7 issued patents with numerous patent applications pending worldwide.
Management Team: The company is led by life science veterans, attorney and investors from Ventana Medical Systems Inc. (acquired by Roche Diagnostics in 2008 for $3.4 billion), Oncor Inc., Abbott, Maryland Venture Fund and Qiagen.
*Source: American Cancer Society. 2018 Cancer Facts and Figures
** Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Projections of the Cost of Cancer Care in the United States: 2010–2020
*** 20/20 Gene Systems Management presentation
Technology: 20/20 GeneSystems has developed OneTEST – a new multi cancer blood test. This test includes identifying the following types of cancers: lung, liver, stomach/gastric, pancreas, colon, cervical/ovarian and prostate. This test was developed based on real-world evidence results published in 2015 from screening 42,000 people over 12 years at a major hospital health screening program in Asia. Their algorithm has detected 2x more cancers in males and 4x more cancer in females over the conventional approach (individual tumor biomarkers, no algorithm).
OneTEST biomarkers are tested in over 100M healthy individuals each year at thousands of health check centers worldwide (Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan). They use the same in-vitro diagnostic test kits and analyzers used in thousands of clinical testing laboratories worldwide. Further, they follow rigorous compliance with CLIA requirements.
The company has 7 issued patents with numerous patent applications pending worldwide.
Management Team: The company is led by life science veterans, attorney and investors from Ventana Medical Systems Inc. (acquired by Roche Diagnostics in 2008 for $3.4 billion), Oncor Inc., Abbott, Maryland Venture Fund and Qiagen.
*Source: American Cancer Society. 2018 Cancer Facts and Figures
** Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Projections of the Cost of Cancer Care in the United States: 2010–2020
*** 20/20 Gene Systems Management presentation